HOW TO USE Apply small sprays to moisten foliage. Avoid over-application so as not to reach the runoff point. Do not apply during dry periods or on newly seeded lawns. Do not water for 2 hours after application. For hard to control weeds, reapply after 4 to 6 weeks. WHERE TO USE On individual broadleaf weeds or small patches as a spot treatment. EFFECTIVE AGAINST Controls dandelions, plantain, and the above ground growth of leontodon, hawkweed, cinquefoil and lupulin in the lawn. Wilson® WeedOut® Ultra Lawn Herbicide controls dandelions, plantain (broad-leaved and lanceolate) and ragweed, and the above ground growth of leontodon, hawkweed, orange hawkweed, cinquefoil, white clover and lupulin in the lawn. TIPS This product does not prevent new weeds from emerging - use only when weeds are present. Accidentally treated grass may temporarily turn yellow, but will recover. Avoid mowing the lawn until the effects of the herbicide treatment are visible. METHOD OF DISPOSAL Do not reuse empty container. Dispose of with household garbage. Unused or partially used product should be taken to a provincial or municipal hazardous waste site. STORAGE To avoid contamination, store this product away from food and feed. Protect from freezing. Between 5°C and 35°C PRECAUTIONS Avoid all activities that may result in skin contact with treated turf or turf surface until residues have dried. Toxic to terrestrial and aquatic plants. Do not apply to desirable plants. Do not apply on windy days. Read product label carefully before use